copied 7500 files, but failed to copy 1300 files and folders
(too old to reply)
9 years ago
I used to have two operating systems running from different partitions
or different drives, and I would back up the files of one when I was
using the other, using XXCopy. As I recall, I got no error messages
because the OS I was backing up was not running.

I finally got something sort of like that running here. That is, this
time, I booted from a CD so that, I thought, each and every file in
the source partition C: would be available for copying from, and so
that the destination partition would be totally available too, but the
results were not so good. FTR the CD created a B: and an X:
partition, but C: and D: were as normal. The log file ended up where
it was supposed to. Both partitions are NTFS. I ran this from a cmd

C:\xxcopy C: D: /clone /ILSCraigVista /ILDCraigVista2
/oAC:\Alogs\Vista-FULLCopy.log /tc /FF3602 /oX3

XXCopy is a lot like Xcopy but with more options. I've been using it
for 10 or 15 years. Explanation of the parameters at the bottom**

I got the partitions right and the /ILS and /ILD parms would have
caught it if they weren't, and these are the results.

Files Examined = 147,360
Files Copied = 7,499
Error Count = 1,328

There really are 1300 errors. Sample errors are below.

I had cloned my main partition using Macrium Reflect Free**, and I
have the log somewhere (For the most part, I don't let cleanup
programs delete logs.) but it really doesn't matter because it's
XXCopy I was relying on to do a final update before switching to the

Macrium Reflect said it had made the clone bootable, but if it didn't,
I'm going to use XXClone to make it bootable.

The most common file type not copied is .dll, and some .exe . Some
are in obscure directories for stuff I didn't even know I have, but
look at these. I can provide a bigger sample if that will help:

C:\Windows\System32\atmfd.dll Copy Failed
C:\Windows\System32\atmlib.dll Copy Failed
C:\Windows\System32\cdd.dll Copy Failed
C:\Windows\System32\d3d10level9.dll Copy Failed
C:\Windows\System32\dxtmsft.dll Copy Failed
C:\Windows\System32\dxtrans.dll Copy Failed

I looked in the destination and none of these 6 are there. I
presume none of the other 1350 are there either, but I'll check more
if you want. All the .dll files that are there have attributes of
a, only . Here are more from System32.

C:\Windows\System32\FwRemoteSvr.dll Copy Failed
C:\Windows\System32\gdi32.dll Copy Failed
C:\Windows\System32\gpapi.dll Copy Failed
C:\Windows\System32\gpscript.dll Copy Failed
C:\Windows\System32\gpscript.exe Copy Failed
C:\Windows\System32\gpsvc.dll Copy Failed
C:\Windows\System32\html.iec Copy Failed
C:\Windows\System32\ieframe.dll Copy Failed
C:\Windows\System32\iertutil.dll Copy Failed
C:\Windows\System32\ieui.dll Copy Failed
C:\Windows\System32\ieUnatt.exe Copy Failed
C:\Windows\System32\inetcpl.cpl Copy Failed
C:\Windows\System32\inetpp.dll Copy Failed
C:\Windows\System32\IPSECSVC.DLL Copy Failed
C:\Windows\System32\jscript.dll Copy Failed
C:\Windows\System32\jscript9.dll Copy Failed
C:\Windows\System32\jsproxy.dll Copy Failed
C:\Windows\System32\kerberos.dll Copy Failed
C:\Windows\System32\kernel32.dll Copy Failed
C:\Windows\System32\localspl.dll Copy Failed
C:\Windows\System32\lsasrv.dll Copy Failed
C:\Windows\System32\msfeeds.dll Copy Failed
C:\Windows\System32\msfeedsbs.dll Copy Failed
C:\Windows\System32\msfeedssync.exe Copy Failed
C:\Windows\System32\mshta.exe Copy Failed
C:\Windows\System32\mshtml.dll Copy Failed
C:\Windows\System32\mshtml.tlb Copy Failed
C:\Windows\System32\mshtmled.dll Copy Failed
C:\Windows\System32\msorcl32.dll Copy Failed

And a lot more, including a whole string of directories like the 3
below, and not just 3 but about 225, that could not be created. Huh?
What am I doing wrong? What is it about these files that keep them
from being copied? Why should it be able to create some directories
and not others?

Can't Create
Can't Create
Can't Create

Original command, again:
C:\xxcopy C: D: /clone /ILSCraigVista /ILDCraigVista2
/oAC:\Alogs\Vista-FULLCopy.log /tc /FF3602 /oX3

**/Clone is a combination option that copies everything that is not
already copied and deletes anything that is no longer in the source
(except it doesn't delete files or folders that are skipped because of
the EXclude file, which is only a problem if one adds something new to
the file.)

/ILS and /ILD make certain you have the partition letters correct as
long as you don't have two partitions with the same name, even on
different drives.

/oA means append the log file to the log file that follows.

I forget what /tc means but it's good.

/FF3602 means consider two files to match if size etc. match and their
date/time is off by 3602 seconds or less, one hour to allow for
changes to daylight savings time. This will mean that some files
will not be backed up the first time, but almost all of them will be
backed up the next time. You know, I think I will take this out for
copies run infrequently. But having it in by mistake would just mean
no copy was attempted when it should have been, not that a copy would
fail. Anyhow, almost all of the .dll and .exe files in the windows
subdirectories don't get updated at all, and those that do, not in the
hour that marks the change of daylight savings time.

/oX3 means include a list of the exclusions in the output file.

/ex"c:\xxcopy-ex-list.txt" says where the exclusion file is, the file
that excludes hibernat.sys, etc. from copying. The rules for the use
of * are very powerful.

More results from the output file:
Files Zapped (by /Z) = 10,888 --- I have no reason to think this
is wrong. Probably webcache files, because I didn't have sense
enough, or a good method, to delete them at the time of the first
cloning, but I did before this step.
Bytes Zapped (by /Z) = 10,930,624,906 -- fwiw averaging 1 meg
per deleted file.
Directories Deleted = 466 --- This seems like a lot but again I
have no reason to think it's wrong. I paid close attention when I
first got xxcopy and by golly it worked. BTW, I have closely scanned
all 1300 lines and I didn't see any file or directory deletions that
failed. I presume it records those too. So if it can delete things,
why can't it create some things?
Happy Oyster
9 years ago
On Mon, 05 Sep 2016 23:28:11 -0400, Micky
Post by Micky
I used to have two operating systems running from different partitions
or different drives, and I would back up the files of one when I was
using the other, using XXCopy. As I recall, I got no error messages
because the OS I was backing up was not running.
I don't understand what you are doing. BUT: Did you try to copy the
files by hand?

If you can do it by hand, the error is elsewhere. But if you can not
copy by hand then the access right are messed up.

xcopy is not very trustworthy...

How large is the HDD? If there are about 20 GigaBytes free and you can
make a partition of at least that size, then better install a linux
there tho make backup of other operations.
Homöopathie ist nichts als Hütchenspielerbetrug und organisierte Kriminalität
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9 years ago
Post by Happy Oyster
On Mon, 05 Sep 2016 23:28:11 -0400, Micky
Post by Micky
I used to have two operating systems running from different partitions
or different drives, and I would back up the files of one when I was
using the other, using XXCopy. As I recall, I got no error messages
because the OS I was backing up was not running.
I don't understand what you are doing. BUT: Did you try to copy the
files by hand?
That's a very good idea. I should have thought of it but didn't.

Part of the problem was that I thought the copy would finish quickly,
but each of those 1300 failures took 3 seconds, another hour total.
And it was later than I wanted.

But I had all day yesterday to think of it and didn't. I'll try it
soon. Thanks.
Post by Happy Oyster
If you can do it by hand, the error is elsewhere. But if you can not
copy by hand then the access right are messed up.
xcopy is not very trustworthy...
How large is the HDD? If there are about 20 GigaBytes free and you can
The destination should have 100 free gigs.
Post by Happy Oyster
make a partition of at least that size, then better install a linux
there tho make backup of other operations.
I'm still hoping to try linux some day. I'll bet the copy I bought
from Redhat 8 or 10 years ago is obsolete by now, but I got a recent
copy of Ubuntu recently.
9 years ago
In microsoft.public.windowsxp.general, on Tue, 06 Sep 2016 15:22:14
Post by Happy Oyster
On Mon, 05 Sep 2016 23:28:11 -0400, Micky
Post by Micky
I used to have two operating systems running from different partitions
or different drives, and I would back up the files of one when I was
using the other, using XXCopy. As I recall, I got no error messages
because the OS I was backing up was not running.
I don't understand what you are doing. BUT: Did you try to copy the
files by hand?
No, I should have.
Post by Happy Oyster
If you can do it by hand, the error is elsewhere. But if you can not
copy by hand then the access right are messed up.
I think you are right. In fact, now I'm sure of it.
Post by Happy Oyster
xcopy is not very trustworthy...
How large is the HDD? If there are about 20 GigaBytes free and you can
make a partition of at least that size, then better install a linux
there tho make backup of other operations.
It was twice as big as the source. My goal was a clone that could just
be inserted where C: is now. I've been warned that there are major
problems, but like a teenager, I want to see for myself.

9 years ago
You say you "booted from a CD". What CD might this be ?
Would it be a system rescue CD based on WinPE, where the
Command Prompt window has you running as Administrator ?

I tried XXCOPY here, and the log didn't include any info
on the files not copied. Normally, you would not expect
Junctions to be copied - utilities are supposed to skip over
them, as otherwise they "go down a recursive hole". But
that doesn't account for the number of items not copied.

Failed to load image: https://s17.postimg.org/kxh99h8en/xxcopy.png

I checked one of the files in your "failed" list and
it copied OK. Kernel32.dll worked. I didn't check the

For my test, I booted the installer DVD used for the
OS, and used the Command Prompt in there. Installed
XXCOPY on the X: drive and then issued the command
to /clone E: (system hard drive) to D: (Copy partition).

9 years ago
I'll get back to you on this Paul and Rod, but bigger problems have

Described in my next two posts.

In microsoft.public.windowsxp.general, on Tue, 06 Sep 2016 07:52:57
Rod Pemberton
9 years ago
On Mon, 05 Sep 2016 23:28:11 -0400
Post by Micky
I used to have two operating systems running from different partitions
or different drives, and I would back up the files of one when I was
using the other, using XXCopy. As I recall, I got no error messages
because the OS I was backing up was not running.
If you're just wanting to copy all the files to a new drive, I would
look into LCOPY by Ortwin Glueck. It can recursively copy files along
with their long filenames (LFNs). I think the typical options
are /S/A/V or perhaps /S/A/V/E .

LFN tools

If you're looking to copy the low-level structure, you might look at
John Fine's PARTCOPY.


Rod Pemberton